Think Advocacy.

OKNECA employs a legislative liaison with more than 15 years of experience working with the Oklahoma Legislature. The liaison provides with valuable relationships, experience, commitment, sound analysis and technology to represent OKNECA’s interests and provide legislators with the information they need. OKNECA receives current, relevant  and reliable information so their board is able to make informed decisions.


Regulatory Issues:

In addition to our advocacy before the Oklahoma’s legislature, OKNECA also works with various state regulatory agencies to ensure the highest quality in electrical construction. We work closely with the Construction Industries Board on all licensing legislative changes and regulatory rules. We also work to develop relationships with other state agencies that impact electrical construction, including the Oklahoma Corporation Commission.

Grassroots Advocacy:

Our grassroots advocacy system enables OKNECA members to stay on top of current legislative information and to communicate with their elected officials. OKNECA members receive materials to help them with the communication efforts when issues arise at the State Capitol.

  • Contact your Legislators, Congressmen and Senator.
  • Download the “How to Contact Your Legislator” tool kit. (under construction)